Our projects
EB systems designed and made by CORAD Ltd or in a collaboration with CORAD Ltd:
- POLICOR Ltd, St.-Petersburg, 1992
- Guanghan LEIDI Radiation Technology Co., Guanghan, Sichuan, China, 1996
- Electron Nord, Borre, France, 2000
- KASEL Associates Industries Inc., Denver, Colorado, USA, 2003
- RAD Ltd, St.-Petersburg, 2004 and 2009
- Physical and Chemical Karpov Institute (for JSC Podolsk Plant of Wiring Goods), Obninsk, 2005
- VINAGAMMA, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2011
- Russian medical biophysical center named after A.I. Burnazyan, Moscow, 2012
- Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, 2013
- Akcentr Ltd., Rodniki, Ivanovo region, Russia, 2017
- Navoi Mining & Metallurgy Combinate, Navoi city, Uzbekistan, 2018 and 2019.
- KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science), Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 2020
- Toan Phat Irradiation Company, Ben Luc, Long An, Vietnam, 2021
- RAD Ltd, Vsevolozhsk, 2021
- JSC Gold Mining Company PAVLIK, Magadan region, 2022